Sunday, June 8, 2008

Making the Most of Weekend Time

Well Mom and Dad continue to make the most of the extra time that they have in order to get the house prepared . . . My room has begun taking color, first yellow, then green. The next part is to add the stripes at the top of the walls. Once that is complete, Dad is going to clean the room from top to bottom, then my furniture (which is ready in the garage) can be put in place. What a blast!

With much headache and waiting time, our new upstairs furniture finally arrived. I guess we have good taste because we had to wait one month for our color, which was on back order. Then after a month of waiting time, they delivered us the wrong color and we had to send it back to wait some more. Nevertheless, it is here!

On Saturday morning, Mom took Dad to meet up with his 8th graders, who he will be spending the weekend with for their class trip. Once Mom saw him off, she made her way to get the rest of the flowers to complete the backyard beautification project. Dad will be hosting a work BBQ next weekend, so we are trying to get things ready. She also took some time to put together the bassinette their Kindergarten staff got us and bouncey seat that Dad's brother got us. Dad told her to relax but when it is just sitting there and Dad is not around, Mom dove in.

Sunday is for Mom to relax and prepare her mind for the week. She met her friend and her son for lunch and had fun with Mommy talk. Dad will return tomorrow so the painting project will continue . . .


Anonymous said...

Everything is looking so good! Baby's room is going to be too cute! I hope Mom took some time to try out those new couches on Sunday.

Liz said...

Lunch was fun today! We'll do it again soon!! Have a GREAT last week of school!

Damon + Maryam said...

I know how it is. Even though I practically killed myself last weekend it felt satisfying getting so much done. Let the nesting begin!

The Lils said...

Don't you just love it, preparing for the baby is such fun.