Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our First Scare . . .

Last week sure was a rough one, maybe the roughest I have had yet to date. I have had a couple of runny noses but that wasn't too bad because I felt okay. Well last Tuesday, I had the worst night! I was so uncomfortable. Every time that I ate, I threw everything back up. Mom and Dad resorted to bottles and liquid only but nothing would stay down. My temperature was up a little but not terrible, it was 100.4 but that was before later that night!

After several times of trying to go to sleep in my crib, it just wasn't working; I was so uncomfortable and truthfully, I needed to be cuddled. So since neither I nor Mom were getting any sleep, Mom got up and we slept together on the couch. At around 4am early Wednesday morning, I woke up on Mom and wow, was I hot!!! I mean hot!!! Mom got really worried because I had taken Motrin before finally going to sleep. Mom took my temperature and thought there was no way 104.3 was correct so she took it again and sure enough, 104.3 it was! While Mom got a cloth for my head to help with the temp, Dad got the Motrin, but no luck, because I even threw it up! With that, Dad said for us to throw on some clothes and head out.

We went to the hospital where I was born because it is so close! Now it would have been nice to see everyone from almost a year ago but under these circumstances, I was not excited! I felt horrible and was sooooo tired! When we got there, my temp had gone down a bit to 102.5 but the doctors still examined and tested everything. My diagnosis was a fever and ear infection. They sent me home with antibiotic and told us to follow up with my pediatrician in the next couple off days.

So that is just what we did . . . on Friday, we got in to the doctor and she re-exmined me. She said my ear was not too bad and with the vomiting and now diarrhea, she thinks it is the stomach flu. Since this was the first time that I have really been sick, Mom and Dad were a bit worried. Mom kept getting thrown up on every time she tried to feed me and I just wanted to be held all the time. They didn't mind the holding so much but were worried because I was not eating much at all. After a couple of days, I was doing a little better and am happy to report, I am feeling about 70% back to myself. I still do not have much of an appetite and I am sleeping a lot. Mom and Dad keep checking on me when I am sleeping because I am sleeping so much more than normal but we all hope that is the healing process. All of that sleeping may be helping with the sickness but it sure is giving me some serious bedhead!


Jenn said...

Oh, you poor things! It's hard when your baby is sick. I'm glad she's feeling better!!

Damon + Maryam said...

Look at her hair growing in!
Stomach flu is the worst. But don't worry, any weight she looses will be gained right back.

Anonymous said...

Bless her heart! I hate that she was sick. Hope she's back to her old self now. Gotta be feeling well to celebrate that big birthday coming up!

Karen Conde said...

Children's fevers climb so fast that parents are always amazed at the time of sickness. You two did a great job and did all the right things for her. You get so excited when the fever breaks and baby is sleeping peacefully. She looks great now, even with the bed head.