Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy (Belated) Mother's Day!

We are a little late for wishing you a Happy Mother's Day, but we hope you had a wonderful one nonetheless! My mom had a great day and I believe that I had a major part of that.

We spent the weekend as a family and with family to celebrate Mom's very first Mother's Day. On Friday, since it was so nice outside, we took my godbrother with us and headed to the zoo. It was a beautiful day outside and we had a wonderful time. (As you can tell from the pictures)


The Lils said...

This is perfect zoo weather, glad you went and had some fun! So good to hear that you had a good first mother's day.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you made Mom's special day so fun!

Karen Conde said...

Happy First Mothers' Day and it looks like you had a wonderful time as a family.