Monday, June 8, 2009

10 Months Old

On Saturday, I turned 10 months old and Mom and Dad cannot believe how things are changing. To sum it up, I am into everything!

We had a very busy weekend with family in town for my cousins' birthday party. It was a lot of fun! They got lots of presents and I got to try cake, mostly icing but it was still enjoyable. It is kind of hard to try a lot of new foods because I still haven't gotten any teeth. Yes, 10 months old, and no teeth! Mamaw said that Mom was walking before she got hers and well, since I am about to do that, we all sure hope they pop through soon. Check out some of my 10 month favorites and milestones. . .

*My musical center that my friend Connor gave me
*Standing up
*Squealing as loud and as high as I can
*My baths
*Baby dolls
*Macaroni and cheese, chicken noodle dinners
*Music and dancing
*Being outside

*Eating more food and less bottles
*Sitting up like a pro
*Pulling myself up to stand
*Standing on my own (I am still a bit wobbly but getting better)
*Scooting myself to where I want to go (Still not interested in crawling too much)
*Feeding myself finger foods
*Sitting back up when I fall over

It is such an adventure and I am quite adventurous. Mom and Dad are working on their response techniques so that I continue to try new things. I have freaked them out quite a few times already by trying to dive off of the couch and putting things in my mouth that do not belong. Everyone warned Mom and Dad to enjoy me while I was little and now I think they see why. Do not turn your head or you just don't know what I might do!


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you had a great weekend! I, personally, love when you can get rid of bottles all together. Keep on trying new never know what you might discover!

casselle said...

Ah Yes, I rememeber 9 months was about the time that both of mine really begain to show their personalities and began getting into everything.