Thursday, July 30, 2009

More Breaking News About Our First Scare

We were going to update you on our visit to Java Jungle this week but more important news has emerged . . . As many of you may know, I have been such a healthy baby from the time that I was born. My pediatrician commented on it at every well visit. Well, it seems that almost year of health and wellness is now cathing up with me. I am only a week shy of turning one, and I am falling apart. Wow, I understand what people talk about now when they say that they are falling apart with age . . .

As I updated you before, I had to be rushed to the ER for a super high fever and then to the doctor on Friday for a check up. It appeared that things were going to turn around for me after the check up with the doctor since things looked better. I was taking my amoxicillin every morning and evening as instructed and I was sleeping through the night. Until . . .

. . . I woke up yesterday morning and Mom noticed my cheeks weren't just rosy, they were covered in a rash. How could this have happened? I was doing what the doctor had ordered, we didn't understand. Mom was pretty freaked out when she went to change me and put an outfit on me. It wasn't just my cheeks, I was covered with a rash; my cheeks, neck, back, arms, legs, and even a little on my feet. What had happened? Well since Mom saw that, she immediately called my pediatrician and they got me in yesterday afternoon. Good thing! Once we got in with the doctor, Mom updated her on my condition and told her about my change to milk. The doctor said immediately upon looking ar my rash - "she's allergic to the amoxicillin"! What?!? She asked if Mom or Dad was and no, they were not. I guess I am! She told us to stop the amoxicillin and to take oatmeal baths. Dad thought that was pretty funny! Mom immediately packed up from the doctor to head to CVS to get some Aveeno bath wash and lotion. She was able to find some oatmeal and fragrance free for my ezcema. Last night, Mom gave me a bath in it and coated me with lots of the oatmeal lotion. This morning, I woke up and my rash had started to merge together, it looks so wierd! What am I going to do about my birthday party?!? The doctor said we should see some improvements within a week but come on, a girl has to look her best for her party, right! The good thing is that I am getting back to myself, I am feeling much better, playing better, and eating better too. I am sure that Mom will update you on my condition . . .


Anonymous said...

Poor thing! At least you got those 1 year pictures made before the rash broke out. Get well soon!

Karen Conde said...

I know all about allergies as I still take medicine year round and watch new foods. Adam also suffers from bad allergies, which he has never grown out of. The good thing is you learn to deal and cope.