Monday, August 3, 2009

The Life of the Party . . . or NOT?

So I was definitely NOT the life of this party!

Saturday was my Godbrother's 2nd birthday and we were all excited to go. I am getting my top two teeth though and I was feeling a bit cranky throughout the morning. I had to go though, I had a great dress, we got great gifts, and it was at the Science Center, it should be fun right? Fun, for who? My teeth hurt! You know how you go to a party and there is always a fussy kid, and everyone is secretly wondering, who is that fussy kid? I am sad to report that on this day, that fussy kid was me! Yes, me! Happy, playful, adventurous me! I did warm up a couple of times but other than that, I just wanted to get home, eat, and nap! I am really working this week to get these teeth in so that for my party this weekend, I definitely CAN be the life of the party!


Unknown said...

Even if you didn't feel looked GOOD!

The Lils said...

I look smashing!

Damon + Maryam said...

Love the dress and the bow! Adorable!!