Monday, July 6, 2009

What Fun! The 4th of July and I turn 11 Months!

This weekend was so much fun! We used it to get some real quality family time. Dad has been so busy and it was nice to spend a lot of time with him. On Friday night, we took it easy and just rented some movies, then Saturday, we enjoyed the holiday by cooking out and trying some fireworks. I was so excited for the fireworks because our neighbors had let some off and I liked them. Dad decided that I needed my own so we went and got a few for my first fourth! Only one firework in, I lost it! I was kind of tired and that noise was not doing it for me. Sunday, we went to the Tastefest and that was pretty fun. Needless to say, it was short lived.

But today, I regained my composure and was back to my lovely self! Can you even believe that I am 11 Months old? That means that in only one month, I will be one year old! WOW!!! Today has been pretty fun so far cause Mom and I have played outside and inside and are just having a fun day, waiting for Dad to get home. Mom's number one mission today was to get a picture of my teeth. I have been battling with these two teeth for the longest and after lots of pain and screaming, they poked through late last week. We were all glad about that one! We have been waiting for them! Mom did get a couple of good pictures today so I hope you can see them-they are pretty tiny! I also hope you enjoy reading about my favorites and milestones . . .

*Licking everything, yes, doors, shoes, you name it! GROSS!
*Talking (babbling)
*My entertainment table
*Standing at the front door looking out
*Being outside
*Standing whenever possible

*Standing very steadily now
*Standing up straight from the sitting position, no longer need anything to pull up on
*Walking with little assistance
*Crawling speedily
*Stage 3 foods (remember, I have barely any teeth)
*Started the transition to milk (Mom started mixing them to make sure I can tolerate the milk and then will work up to only milk by one year)


Damon + Maryam said...

Love the toothies! It's amazing how fast they grow isn't it? It's almost 1st b-day time!

Karen Conde said...

Great pictures as usual and such a pretty smile. Eleven months - doesn't seem possible, but children grow fast and time passes by sooo fast.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on those teeth! I love the Ohio State cheerleader outfit. So cute!