Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba Live Weekend

Over the weekend, I had the best treat ever! Mom, Dad, and I drove down to visit Granny P and see Yo Gabba Gabba Live! What a blast! Believe it or not, I was so excited to go and then when the show started, I actually was a little scared. When all the Yo Gabba Gabba friends came out, everyone yelled and cheered, except me, I got upset. I love music but I did not like all the screaming. Once the show got underway, I settled down and had a blast. It was so much fun because all the friends were there: Foofa, Toodee, Brobee, Plex, Muno, and even Biz Markie did his "beat of the day".

I had so much fun over the weekend that on the way back, I was exhausted and crashed. But it was all worth it!


Karen Conde said...

What a fun time with Grandma P

Anonymous said...

Too fun!

casselle said...

One of my fav things to do is to get the kids something I know they will love or take them somewhere they are dying to go. Seeing the excitment on their face and watching them light up is just priceless. Glad you all had fun.