Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tagged? Huh?

Ok, so Mom has been tagged! She is not really sure how it works but here it goes . . .

Here's how this one works...1. The rules are posted at the beginning. 2. Each player answers the questions about themselves. 3. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and ask them to read your blog.

1. What I was doing 10 years ago:
Well almost exactly 10 years ago, Mom was graduating from Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in Education, major in Language and Theater Arts, minor in Social Sciences. She was about to begin her big hunt for her first "career" job in the field of education. Mom was working at Eddie Bauer to make some money to hold her over until her first job and insurance kicked in.

2. Five things on my to do list for today:
Ok, Mom is off this week so this list could seem a bit silly but she is getting things set for me!
1. Make a long overdue hair appointment.
2. Clean household blinds (whew, what a chore!)
3. Go to Dollar store to pick up a few items.
4. Help Dad clean out "red room" as they used to call it, now know as the "baby" room.
5. Go to Home Depot for landscaping items to begin yet another project.

3.Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
First things first . . . Mom would invest as much as possible so taht everyone in the family was set for life. She would definitely make sure that Mamaw and Papaw retired and could visit the kids and grandkids whenever they wanted, in their town car with chauffer. Mom would have to get that silver convertible Mercedes she dreams about and Dad, well I am sure he would want as many electronics as possible. Finally, the only other thing to think of is . . . Mom would love to start her very own school with the mission in mind to educate all children.

4. Three of my bad habits:
Only three??????
1. Mom definitely agrees with her friend who tagged her . . . Not keeping in touch with friends the way she wish she would.
2. Being overly anal.
3. Wanting to do everything for herself.

5. Five places I have lived:
1. Springboro, Ohio - 1 address
2. Ypsilanti, Michigan- 2 dorm addresses and 1 apartment address
3. Ann Arbor, Michigan - 1 apartment
4. Farmington Hills, Michigan - 2 apartments
5. Redford, Michigan - current home

6. Five jobs I have had:
1. Cashier and ice cream dipper at United Dairy Farmers
2. Childcare provider-Kindercare Learning Centers
3. Resident Advisor-Eastern Michigan University
4. Teacher (several grade levels, Kindergarten was her favorite!)
5. Assistant Principal-She loves it!

Five People I Want to Know More About:
Ok, this is new to Mom so we hope you all do not mind . . . it is always great to share among friends . . . So Lil Suga and Lil Man's mom, Babee makes five mom, Wiard mom-you all are tagged! You are the only ones we know with blogs. We cannot wait to hear all about you.


Unknown said...

Thanks for playing along! It's always fun to learn about friends! And I KNOW you put that #1 job on each and every resume! Didn't we work with some "interesting" individuals?

The Lils said...

Nice to read more about mom. Hope you got all your to do's done that day and we will get right on our "tagged" post.