Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Well we would like to start by wishing everyone a Happy and safe 4th of July. We tried to catch the local fireworks from our home but only caught a little last night. Mom and Dad are going to a friend's house today to celebrate on the lake. Tomorrow, they will head to the local Tastefest and Sunday will be to relax.

They continue to both work really hard to prepare for me. Now that the major physical part of the projects is over, Mom is completely on a mission and has well reached her "nesting" stage. We do not think that Dad quite understands the "nesting" thing because he just laughs! After much confusion, Mom has the month of July off of work and dove right in to projects. The first major project was to organize all of the great gifts that they have received from family and friends. Well if you know my mom, you know that she could not stop there. She has to completely begin the organization of my whole room.

Mom spent most of the week working around the house and in my room. She made a lot of progress too. With some guidance from a couple of mom friends, Mom began to put it all together. She organized towels and washclothes, onesies, sleepers, bibs, booties, socks, hats, etc. in bins and by size. She organized outfits in the closet by size. It was kind of fun and very relaxing to be able to really prepare. Now we will just have to fill Dad in on where we put everything.

After a week of organizing, Mom made a lot of progress. The changing table is organized with diapers (in the stacker), wipes and warmer, bath supplies, towels, washclothes, etc. The dresser is organized inside and on top, she put the great lamp, picture frames from some of Mom and Dad's students, and diaper cake my aunt made us. Although Mom knows she will use all these items, she cannot yet bring herself to take apart the diaper cake my aunt made or the diaper wreath my mamaw made. It is decoration for now.

Mom also used my cousins and godbrother's pictures to decorate as well. We think they turned out pretty nice too.

All in all, it is really starting to look great. The only things left to do in my room are: Put up closet rod and panels, Make and put up valances, Paint rocking chair, Get rocking chair cushions, Get Dad to fix crib, Make crib with rainforest bedding set. We are almost there!


Damon + Maryam said...

Great job mom! You really do have a ton of stuff. I had a hard time finding a rocking chair cushion, but I finally scored one from

Liz said...

The room looks fantastic! Setting up the nursery was my favorite part of "nesting" and you'll be so glad that the supplies are already organized and waiting for you when you get home with the little one!

Sarah Marie & Adam Robert said...

The room looks great! "Nesting" is something men will never understand. Trust me, I have been through it twice and the second time around was worse than the first. Can't wait to see your little one.

Anonymous said...

This room looks so cozy! Great job, Mom!

The Lils said...

I love it!!! It looks just perfect and I am sure you will have endless fun staring at it in the middle of the night as your baby feeds.