Tuesday, January 6, 2009

5 Months and Still Growing . . .

Today, I turned 5 months old and let me tell you, I have only just begun! I am getting so big and really developing my own personality. I am kinda stubborn already and love to have things my way! I am so happy, smiling and laughing all the time. I love spending time with my mom and dad, especially playing. I even have quite a style already! I am well on my way and continue to meet many of my milestones and gain lots of favorites.

Rolling over
Sitting up (almost without support)
Trying to stand
Eating cereal
Sleeping at least 4-5 hours at night (HALLELUAH!)
Riding in my new convertible carseat (I got too long for the carrier)

Playing in general (especially my seahorse, doll, and book)
Still loving my swing
Checking out Mom and Dad's iphone
Singing and talking
Listening to stories
Trying to repeat whatever Mom and Dad say (I am trying to start early)


Anonymous said...

Where has the time gone? 5 months looks good on you.

Unknown said...

Getting big! Watch out with those phones, though. At about 5 months Evan was playing with mine in the grocery store and completely ruined it with all of his drool!

Damon + Maryam said...

Time is really flying! I wish they tayed babies a little bit longer.