Tuesday, December 30, 2008

4 Month Doctor's Appointment

I know that I am almost 5 months old but due to my schedule and my doctor's, Monday was the first available appointment. Things went well. My latest stats are as follows:
Weight - 13 lbs and 15 ozs (50%)
Height - 25.5 in (75%)

The doctor thinks I am going to be tall and slim, just what Mom and Dad had hoped for! Mom and Dad told him all of the things that I am doing now and he said I am very strong and don't be surprised if I walk very early. I didn't even cry the entire time . . .

Well that was until the shots came. Those were tough. The nurse stuck the needle so far in my leg, Dad even asked if it really needed to go that far in. He was looking out for me. I managed to pull it together though once the shots were over and left the doctor's okay, but not as good as when I came in. All in all, it went well.

Today on the other hand . . . has been tough. My legs are so sore and I have a fever. Mom was sort of freaked out but after a couple of doses of Tylendol throughout the evening, it came down slowly. I am resting now and hopefully I will have a better night!


Liz said...

Shots SUCK! Hope little girl is feeling better! Conner and I should come by soon and have a play date!

The Lils said...

Doctor visits can be awful.

Anonymous said...

You've got to be getting to the end of shots for a while, don't you? I can't remember..but I know you eventually get a few visits without shots! happy new year!