Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Look at Me!

Well Mom and Dad got their first glimpse of me! I think that they really enjoyed it. Dad laughed the whole time and Mom was amazed at how much they could see. Mom had to go back first on her own for measurements and the technician said I looked right at 16 weeks old. I am growing and progressing right on track.

Once Dad came in the fun started. Mom and Dad got to watch me on the screen as I moved all around. At first I kept my back to them, I was a little shy at first. They did get to see my backbone though, so I think they might have enjoyed that. Then as I got more comfortable, I began to move around a little more. I even looked at everyone once, so they could see me from the front. I began to get a little tired though so I put my hand up and wiggled my fingers. I do not know if they got the point but I was waving to them, I needed to go back to sleep.

Mom and Dad really had a lot of fun with the whole thing. I could hear them talking about it all the way home. Mom kept telling Dad that if she laid on her belly at night to sleep that she could feel me on her left side but Dad wouldn't believe her. Well guess what, I was mostly on Mom's left side and she just laughed because she already knew.

The doctor gave Mom a great report and said that things are progressing nicely. He is very pleased with how things have been going. Mom and I go back next week for blood work (I guess they think Mom is a little old) and then our next appointment is April 2.


Damon + Maryam said...

That's so sweet. It's really nothing like seeing your baby on the ultrasound for the first time. I'm so excited for you.

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear everything went well! Enjoy every minute!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I'm so excited!

Liz said...

It's SO exciting! Isnt it wild to see your little one already? Ultrasounds are the coolest invention ever!

The Lils said...

Good to finally see baby! Make sure you document everything as you go along or else you will surely forget.

Karen Conde said...

We are so excited for you and Jermaine, know that great parents are just waiting for this little one. So glad to hear you are doing great Michelle.
Can't tell, did Mommy and Daddy see a boy or girl?