Thursday, August 14, 2008

My First Bath (Sort of . . .)

Last night I had a pretty good night but I did have a few spit ups so definitely was in need of a bath. Mom and Dad have been wiping me down each day but today, we did as close to a bath as we could. Since my cord stub has not fallen off yet, I cannot officially have a bath but Mom and Mamaw did what they could to give me a "bath". Mamaw is pretty good at baths so Mom let her show her the ropes. I did not like it at the start because it was cold and my clothes were off. Once Mom put my towel on me and kept me wrapped in it, I did not mind it so much. It actually felt good once they finished. I felt so relaxed that I took a long nap. I am learning to get used to those "baths" and diaper changes but I am still not totally sure how I feel about them.

I am a pretty good napper. I like to nap on my side or my stomach when someone is holding me. When I sleep in my bassinette, I sleep on my incline positioner Dad got me. But when someone is holding me, I sleep on my hands, just like my Dad does when he sleeps. I go to the doctor tomorrow for a weight check so I will let you know how that goes tomorrow.


Damon + Maryam said...

Baths are a great way to get baby to relax, especially at night. I love all the pink Evie is wearing. Didn't take long did it?

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for those "experienced" moms to show us the ropes! I know with our boys they didn't like the bath at all for a few weeks, but we would put their towel in the dryer and get it nice and warm...they quickly learned if they could tolerate the water for a few minutes a nice warm towel was waiting. Don't babies smell so yummy after a bath?!?

Liz said...

She is seriously the cutest darn thing! It was so nice seeing you and meeting Evie the other day! Cant wait to hang out again soon!!

The Lils said...

nothing like a nice bath to help you sleep.