Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Day Out

Yesterday, I got to spend the entire day with my Aunt S and Cousins. Mom got up bright and early to get me up there to visit for the day. I was such a trooper too; I slept the entire way and even a little while once I got there. Aunt S told Mom that the day was great, I loved watching my cousin N run around and play and my cousin S and I played as well. My cousin N was so helpful too because when cousin S and I were watching a Baby Einstein video, he talked us through it so we knew what was going on. What a great cousin! It was a fun day and Aunt S said I was great! Mom and Dad were a little worried because sometimes I do get pretty temperamental but I proved to them that I can handle it.

I had so much fun that I slept good! Last night, I slept 5 hours, got up to eat, and slept for 5 more hours. Of course that thrilled Mom and Dad because they actually got more uninterrupted sleep than they had in quite a while. I even slept great throughout the day today. As Mom types this, I have just nodded off for the night. Maybe I should spend the day with them more often! (Aunt S said she took lots of pictures so we will add those once we get them)


Anonymous said...

What a great day! I'm sure there will be many more days spent with your aunt & cousins in the future!

Damon + Maryam said...

Can't wait to see the pics!