Monday, September 8, 2008

1 Month Doctor's Appointment

Today I had my 1 month doctor's appointment. I am getting better with this whole doctor visit thing but at what age do I not have to be stripped down of even my diaper? That is the part I really do NOT like. Nevertheless, I handled it like a pro today. Dad stayed by my side and I did ok!

Other than that, the doctor gave me a thumbs up. I am growing at the right rate and meeting my milestones. I weigh 9 pounds, 3 ounces now! They measured me and I am still 21.5 inches long (Mom and Dad think I have grown though). I still wear newborn clothes though and some of the great newborn outfits people got me, still don't fit! I cannot wait to be able to wear them so I am making sure I eat and grow healthy.

Mom and Dad got to ask all their "new parent" questions so that their minds could be put to ease. The doctor is really great at recognizing that they are new parents so he is very patient and thorough with answering questions, examining me, and explaining things clearly to Mom and Dad. Mom's biggest question for the doctor today was what is happening to my hair? In the last week or so, Mom and Dad have noticed that my full head of hair seemed to be thinning. I have lost a lot of the hair on the top of my head and Dad is making fun of my hairline (like he has any room to talk-he has to shave his head because of his!). Mom is concerned because I had all this cute hair and a girl just has to stay cute! The doctor assured all of us that this was simply the process, the newborn hair falls out and my "real" hair begins to come in. We are all curious to see how it comes in. I hope it comes in quick though because it does look a little interesting. Although, Mom and Dad still say that I am beautiful!


Damon + Maryam said...

She is definitely still beautiful! Her hair will come back full and silky.

But I do remember once upon a time that a certain someone made fun of Cam's hairline... :)

The Lils said...

Newborn Hair is really something! Lil Suga had a fine head since birth and it stayed that way. Lil Man however is another story, his was allright at first and then it turned on us. It is thick some places, thin other places and non existed some other places. No worries though like Diaab said she is still beautiful and I am sure one day when her hair grows in and you have to fight her to style it you will wish it hadn't- lol.

Liz said...

Yep, same thing here. Conner was born with a full head of red hair, then it all fell out and he was a baldy for a few months. It's back now...strawberry blonde and wavy! She'll get it back and I'm sure it'll be beautiful! Glad to hear the docs appointment went well!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the appointment went well; you can't ask too many questions! I can't say for sure when you don't have to be totally naked for those visits but Evan had his 15 month visit today and he got to keep his diaper it's definitely sometime in the next 14 months! :) You just keep getting more beautiful! And the hair...won't be long before it's all back and you're trying to tame it every morning!