Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sleeping in Other Places

Well everyone keeps telling Mom and Dad that the swing is the best for sleeping. I think that I must be the only baby who doesn't like to sleep in my swing yet. I really enjoy the swing when I am fed, changed, and content but once I am sleepy though, I want someone to put me to sleep. What can I say, I am a cuddler? Mom and Dad are trying to work with me so that I can fall asleep without one of them holding me but I am having a hard time. According to the book, "The Baby Whisperer", I am what she calls a "touchy" baby. Mom and Dad agree and I guess so do I! I am touchy. I like to hold your finger, cuddle, and sleep on someone. I guess I will mature and be able to be put down to fall asleep but right now, I am still working on it! Many parents keep telling Mom and Dad they are developing something that they will not be able to keep up but it is a process!

Mom and Dad are proud to announce that after a couple of wimpers and few minutes, I did in fact fall asleep in my swing! Well I only stayed asleep for about 20 minutes in there, but I did try! Not only did I sleep in my swing, I even tried it out in my bouncy seat. I am making great strides to sleep in my swing, bouncy seat, bassinette and on the couch with Mom and Dad nearby. I guess it is not too bad but I have to admit-I'd rather cuddle!


The Lils said...

We know all about cuddling to bed. Both Lil Suga and Lil Man cuddled to bed until one fine day Momma and Papa said enough. So for now enjoy the cuddly stage they won't stay like that forever.

Damon + Maryam said...

don't feel bad. this is my third baby and i haven't learned yet! Evan won't sleep in her swing and is beginning to have an aversion to her crib as well.

Unknown said...

Who can blame Mom and Dad for wanting to cuddle? There's plenty of time for breaking habits and setting limits later. For now just soak up all that sweetness!

Sarah Marie & Adam Robert said...

I am glad to hear and see everting is going ok. Hope to see you and your family at Joy's wedding.